OF |
FIRST SESSION OF 2003-2008 |
At |
11.00 o'clock a.m. |
On |
Wednesday, 20th July, 2005 |
The First Session of the Parliament of 2003-2008 |
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ORDER PAPER: Wednesday, 20th July, 2005 |
No. 35 |
(Parliament (Administration) Act, Cap.10 - Section 3(4) and First Schedule). His Honour the President, Senator the Hon. E. R. Griffith - ex officio, |
SELECT COMMITTEES SESSIONAL SELECT COMMITTEES Committee of Selection His Honour the President (Chairman), Senator the Hon. E. R. Griffith, |
Standing Orders Committee His Honour the President (Chairman), ex officio. Appointed 2nd July, 2003. Senator Sir Roy Trotman Appointed 18th February, 2005. |
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ORDER PAPER: Wednesday, 20th July, 2005 |
No. 35 |
House Committee His Honour the President (Chairman), ex officio. |
Committee of Privileges Senator Hon. Miss L. V. Eastmond. Senator I. Appointed 2nd July. 2003. |
Regulations Committee Senator T. E.Barker, Senator I. G. P. Gooding-Edghill, Senator F. J. Stuart and Senator Sir John Stanley Goddard, K. A. Appointed 2nd July. 2003. |
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ORDER PAPER: Wednesday, 20th July, 2005 |
No. 35 |
JOINT SELECT COMMITTEE Her Honour Senator Dame Patricia Symmonds, Senator R. W. Grant, Senator G. P. B Nicholls, Senator the Hon. Mrs. V. E. Newton, Senator Dr. F. L. Chandler and Senator Dr. D. S. Lowe. |
JOINT COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Senator the Hon. E. R. Griffith, Senator the Hon. Miss L. V. Eastmond, Senator G. P. B. Nicholls, Senator Sir John Stanley Goddard and Senator F. J. Stuart. Senator R. O. Marville Appointed 18th February, 2005. |
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ORDER PAPER: Wednesday, 20th July, 2005 |
No. 35 |
Terms of reference |
1. |
Keep under constant review the development and implementation of Barbados’ political and economic external relations. |
2. |
Receive reports and recommendation from the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade and other relevant authorities. |
3. |
Send for persons, papers and records. |
4. |
Appoint specialists and experts as advisors to the Committee as deemed necessary. |
5. |
Meet concurrently with other departmental committees to exchange information and views. |
6. |
Receive oral and written submissions from members of the general public concerning matters relating to foreign affairs and foreign trade. |
7. |
Examine bills/legislation pertinent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade and any other matters referred to it. |
8. |
Report recommendations and findings and submit such reports and findings to the Honourable the House of Assembly from time to time as may be considered appropriate. |
9. |
Convene at least once every quarter. |
10. |
Perform any other functions and tasks that may be referred to the Committee. |
The following are members of this Joint Commitee. Senator the Hon. E. R. Griffith, Senator the Hon. Miss L. V. Eastmond, Appointed 29th June, 2005. |
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ORDER PAPER: Wednesday, 20th July, 2005 |
No. 35 |
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ORDER PAPER: Wednesday, 20th July, 2005 |
No. 35 |
1. |
Senator the Hon. E. R. Griffith: To move the passing of a Resolution to approve the compulsory acquisition by the Crown of parcels of land situate at Queen Street, Speightstown in the parish of St. Peter in this Island for the provision of an access to the beach. Notice of this Resolution was given on 12th May, 2004. |
2. |
Senator the Hon. E. R. Griffith: To move the First Reading of The Stamp Duty (Amendment) Bill, 2005 |
3. |
Senator the Hon. E. R. Griffith: To move the Second Reading of The International Business (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, 2005 Notice of this Bill was given on 6th July, 2005. |
4. |
Senator the Hon. E. R. Griffith: To move the passing of a Resolution to approve the Borrowing of the sum of $ 5, 000 000 in the Currency of the United States of America from First Caribbean International Bank for the financing and procurement of vehicles and equipment for the Sanitation Service Authority. Notice of this Bill was given on 6th July, 2005. |
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ORDER PAPER: Wednesday, 20th July, 2005 |
No. 35 |
5. |
Senator the Hon. E. R. Griffith: To move the passing of a Resolution to approve in accordance with Section 5 of the Land Acquisition Act, Cap. 228 the compulsory acquisition by the Crown of the parcel of land situate at Flint Hall, in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island for the public purpose of the construction of the Erdiston/Carrington Primary School. Notice of this Resolution was given on the 13th July, 2005. |
6. |
Senator the Hon. E. R. Griffith: To move the passing of a Resolution to approve the lease under Section 5 of the Crown Lands (Vesting and Disposal) Act Cap. 225 to World Cup Barbados Inc. of the parcel of land together with the building thereon known as Herbert House situate at Fontabelle, in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island. Notice of this Resolution was given on the 13th July, 2005. |
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No. 35 |
ORDER PAPER THIRTY-FIFTH SITTING Wednesday, 20th July, 2005 |